November Fishing Report
Wow! This November the fishing has been amazing with Brown Trout cruising the lake edges chasing bullies and a few rising to dries too! I have been out lately with dad and my mate Fly Fishing and we managed to pick up a couple of stunners on the Nymphs and Big Streamer patterns. The best soft bait I’m finding at present is the Berkley Black and Gold Paddle Tail as well as the Berkley Pumpkin Grub Tail.
I have found the TT lure Jig Heads are working best and I have been using them in weights 1/6th through to a 1/16th which covers most situations we’ve encountered.
With the weather being super wet and windy it's been really hard to find clear water some days. The Clutha has been outstanding because the water level has been so high - it forces the fish to move in closer to the edge to feed and find food.
There have also been some Green Beetles flying around on the warmer days which is great for the coming few weeks as fish will start looking up to feed on them.
Cicadas will be just around the corner too, which is a favourite time for all Fly Fishers!
December is a favourite month for me as the weather is coming good and school is nearly finished and I can fish every day !
Tight lines everyone
Louie “the fish” Macandrew