Only a week to go before the sun rises on the 2023-24 Game Bird Season! Opening Weekend is on Saturday, May 6.
What you need to know
Excitement is building for Opening Weekend of the 2023-24 Game Bird Season in Otago.
We’re predicting a standard sort of duck harvest this season ─ good news given the summer drought.
Recent rainfall has improved many ponds which were drying out.
Mallards had a good main breeding season in spring before summer’s prolonged dry period.
Now we just need good hunting conditions for Opening Weekend – low cloud and wind.
Then it’s all up to you!
Annual mallard trend count
Almost5,000 mallardswere counted during our flight over selected Otago ponds, river reaches and overland sections in the annual trend count this month.
The trend count waslowerthan the 5,780 average of previous years.
Dry ponds and swollen rivers on the day we counted the ducks will likely have affected the count.
How trend counts work
Long-term data shows Otago’s mallard population is ingood shapedespite recent drought.
Fish & Game has been monitoring themallardpopulation trendsince 2015.
Mallards are counted at selected locations, not the entire region.
Counts can be affected on the survey day by conditions such as water levels and weather.
Last year’s national shoveler trend count showed a decline of this taonga native species.
Otago Fish & Game Council has reduced the limit to one shovelerDRAKEper day.
Grab your licence the easy way
The fastest, easiest way to get your game bird hunting licence is to jump online.
All you need is your credit card and in just a few minutes you’ll be set to go.
No need to worry about your licence turning up in time for Opening Weekend ─ the receipt we email you will suffice until it turns up in your letterbox.