July Fishing Report

July Fishing Report

Proudly brought to you by Craig Smith from Hatch Fishing

With the cold temperatures that July brings trout are not particularly active with the exception of rainbows around the incoming river mouths. They are worth targeting with a streamer at the drop off or sighted around the edges of the current and still using a small streamer pattern to imitate a bully.

The brown trout are now moving out of the rivers after spawning but with the cold temperatures they are not particularly interested in too much until next month when the weather starts to make aquatic life a bit more active.

The Tekapo and Twizel canals are popular during July especially over the school holidays. We have had our family there recently with the girls both catching salmon off the Ohau A dam using shrimp. The nice thing about fishing the canals is that you can fish in any weather and wind and the access is easy. 

A good use of time during July is tying up plenty of basic fly pattern for when the fishing heats up again. Also checking your gear, cleaning lines, repairing waders etc. All of these things that I need to do myself!
Tight lines,

Craig Smith

Registered professional guide NZPFGA
FFF certified casting instructor
Ph +6434438446
M 0276469419
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