Whether it’s a guided tour or trying your luck on your own Southern Wild can set you up with everything you need. Our pristine lakes and rivers have plentiful supplies of rainbow trout, brown trout and salmon. For the more adventurous there’s deep sea fishing opportunities within a two hour drive from Wanaka. We stock all the leading brands of gear; rods, reels, downriggers, vests and tackle boxes. We also have the materials for fly tying (hooks, feathers, etc… ) plus a huge selection of flies, lures and soft bait.
If you are only here for a short period you can hire the gear for a minimum period of 24 hrs. You can purchase a fishing licence for one, two, three or four days; or a full season licence or the shorter winter season licence.
If you are heading out to the backcountry don’t forget to hire our Personal Locator Beacon (PLB) to ensure your safety and peace of mind.
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The sphere-shaped ball sinkers are designed for accurate casting, especially against the wind. Great for running sinker rigs, where the...
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Barrel sinker with 2 x swivels, choose size
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These unique Breakaway sand sinkers are designed to allow the four individual grips to be precisely tensioned on the extremely...
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Easy to attach lighter weight sinkers. Perfect for use in calmer waters to get more play from your fish.
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Barrel sinker with 2 x swivels, choose size